January 22, 2013

Change is coming...

The past year has been a time of massive change for me, the birth of the delicious Baby Bookbath (who is just about 6 months old now) and the accompanying change from full time social worker to full time/over time mother, the death of my beloved fluffy boy Ewok, the massive restructuring (and sometimes loss) of my reading life and in the next couple of weeks a physical move from our home of the last 10 years to a new house - a very exciting and needed move but a time of sadness too.

In all of this change, re-structuring, loss, challenge, happiness and love my blogging has ultimately taken a back seat - not through choice but through practicality and logistics. I often haven't had the physical time to even turn on the computer - or if there has been that moment of time I have not had the emotional or mental energy to think about formulating a post.

I have missed my blogging. I have missed that connection with other readers and bloggers who share similar interests and passions and I have missed the debate and communication that occurs over differing tastes and opinions. I have missed having the time and space to read and read and then read some more - enjoying the reading for itself but also the thoughts that swirl as I read about how I will interpret this experience through my blogging. Mostly I have missed the people - so many of you have helped to shape by current reading/bookish experiences and have challenged me to be a wider, more open, more adventurous, better reader.

So, I am making a re-commitment to BookBath - but with a twist. I'm not sure that BookBath can continue in its current form. My world has changed and I feel that my blog, as an online interpretation and expression of that world, has to change too. There will still be books - how could there not be??!! But I feel other aspects of my life will also come into play - my hope is that this will once again open up this space and become inviting not only for me - but for all of you as well!

I'm not completely sure yet what this new blog vision will look like - but I am looking forward to discovering it. I'm hoping you will stick around for the journey, wherever it takes us...