Having never read A Christmas Carol I had decided that 2009 was the year to change this and my partner helped by buying me this beautiful edition of the book as a Christmas present.
I was familiar with the basic story line of the book, nasty, mean natured, Christmas hating Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future one Christmas Eve. What the ghosts/spirits show to him over the course of this night convince him to change his ways and take the Christmas spirit into his life.
It sounds like such a simple concept, and in many ways it is, but I am struck by how many levels this book has and I can see I could read it over and over again and take something different away from it each time.
I am normally hesitant to read books with illustrations as I feel they can sometimes create alternate images to the ones you may have in your head for particular characters or scenes but I felt the gorgeous illustrations in this edition of the book complimented the story, and my imagination, perfectly.
I want to concentrate on reading more Charles Dickens during 2010 so this is a great way to start I think, a book to treasure into the future - there will be no "Bah, Humbug" here!
I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas Karen. I have yet to read A Christmas Carol. I think next year I will definately give it a whirl. I have started my first ever Dickens though!
Hi Simon - 2010 is going to be my year of Dickens I think - what one have you started??
So do you know which Dickens you'll go on to next? I read Great Expectations last year (I think) and it was so wonderful. I really need to read something else by him!
I read Dickens for the first time this year...don't know where I have been. I did like Carol but loved, loved Oliver Twist and am looking forward to Great Expectations in 2010.
Hi Iliana - I know I read Great Expectations at uni but I really can't remember a lot about it so I think I might start with that one.
Hi BookPSmith - Oliver Twist and Great Expectations are two of the Dickens I am hoping to read next year.
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