January 26, 2011

Poser - Claire Dederer

In the lead up to my university course which starts in March I have begun to read and seek out a lot more non-fiction. I am always drawn to non-fiction books but I always seem to place novels above them - there is something about non-fiction that can seem a little "worky" - and that's the last feeling I want to be having when I am reading for pleasure!

I can happily report that there was nothing worky about reading Poser - although I do feel as though I have learnt a lot from it and will be taking the book with me in my mind for a long time to come.

Poser is a memoir by American woman Claire Dederer who started to practice yoga when she experienced a back injury not long after the birth of her first child. I have attempted yoga in the past - more out of a feeling that it was something everyone else seemed to be doing, enjoying and excelling at and so I should get on board. I found out very quickly that I wasn't getting on board! Yoga just wasn't for me I'm afraid - although I am tempted to give it another go after reading this book.

Poser is not only a book about yoga - it is really a reflection on the author's childhood, current relationships and choices she has made through her life told through her journey of learning and incorporating yoga into her life. It is never preachy or boring - the author comes across as honest, funny and genuine not only with her struggles with yoga poses and theory but also in what she shares about herself and her life. This book is informative and reflective without being over indulgent - it is a learning process for the author and the reader.

As Dederer says at the beginning of the book;

Taking up yoga in the middle of your life is like having someone hand you a dossier about yourself. A dossier full of information you're not really sure you want.

I love the story and the way in which it was told - I will definitely be looking out for more of this author's work.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

How funny I have read this at this moment. I used to do yoga all the time, and I am about to head off to my first yoga class in a few months because my osteopath recommended I start again because of a back injury. Perhaps this is a sign that I should this book?!

Karen said...

Hi Becky - that is a coincidence! Maybe it is a sign! One of my colleagues is also a yoga teacher so I'm thinking about checking it out...

Anonymous said...

My first experience with yoga was a total failure. But I'm loving it the second time around (even if I am still horribly unbendy). This sounds like a really interesting book.

Anbolyn (Cousins Read) said...

I have a few friends who are yoga fans - this looks like something they would enjoy. Birthday gifts, perhaps?

Karen said...

Hi softdrink - It sounds like something you would need to practice A LOT to get really good at!

Hi Anbolyn - I think this book would make a fabulous gift - and not just for yoga lovers.