Destined To Live - One Woman's War, Life, Loves Remembered - Sabina Wolanski is my first book completed for the Non Fiction Five Challenge.
Sabina has written the book in collaboration with a well known Australian author, Diana Bagnall and it tells the story of her life growing up very happily in Poland before, at the age of 12, the Nazis invaded and World War 2 consumed her town and her family.
I feel Sabina writes very honestly, not only about the events that happened to her and her family, but also about her feelings and reactions to those events - it was very engaging.
Sabina survived the war but her parents, beloved older brother and most of her extended family and friends did not. Sabina talks about the loss of these people in her live and it is clear how these losses have impacted on her throughout her adult life.
Sabina was chosen to give the opening address for the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin in 2005 and a copy of her speech is included in the book. Sabina states that she is "The voice of the six million tortured and murdered Jews of which one and a half million were children, and I am also the voice of the lucky few - the voice of the survivors".
I found Sabina's early and later story honest and compelling.