February 24, 2010

Much Excitement!

I had a little moment of excitement yesterday when I discovered a writing workshop/session is being conducted by author Kirsten Tranter, whose first novel The Legacy I absolutely loved when I read it recently. The excitement was raised by the fact that the workshop is being held in my very own city! The excitement grew further when I rang up and discovered there were still places available!
My writing life is really only something I have ever dabbled in - it has always provided me with enjoyment and a sense of release and reflection and I have had thoughts about doing more with it but life always seems to get in the way. With some upcoming jobs changes I am hoping to have more time in my life to pursue creative aspects of my life - in particular writing - so I am looking forward to participating in this workshop not only to hear first hand from an amazing author but also in the hope that it will kick start my own writing practice at last.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Oh wow! That sounds amazing. Im in Sydney so its just that touch too far for me to drive but I hope that you really enjoy it!

Gleebooks I noticed is doing The Legacy for their monthly bookclub. I have never been to a bookclub, but I am very tempted to read this book and go to the bookclub session about it - especially after the great review you gave it.

I can't wait to hear how your writing session goes

Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting! I recently did a writing course and it was such fun, plus it gave me much more confidence. What a wonderful opportunity - I hope you love every second of it!

Dot said...

That sounds very exciting! Have fun!

Bloomsbury Bell said...

I love writing courses - I am always really nervous and so self-critical at first but the feedback is always so helpful and it is really fun to discuss ideas with other writers. keep us posted!

Molly said...

Oh, I have just recently started to dabble in writing and this workshop sounds wonderful! Enjoy :)

Nadia said...

That sounds great! What an exciting way to dabble even more in your writing. Have fun!!

Paperback Reader said...

Good luck with your creative endeavour! I keep hearing about Kirsten Tranter... (well, mainly from you and recently Samantha!)

Tamara said...

Hi Karen, Go for your dreams girl... opportunities are there for those who are ready - sounds like perfect timing for you to get you pen out again! Have fun at the workshop.

Unknown said...

how fun! I can't wait to hear how it goes...I do hope you will share with us!

Karen said...

Hi Becky - I would definitely recommend going to the Gleebooks bookclub - if I lived in Sydney I would be there!!

Hi bookssnob - I hope I enjoy it too! I'm always a bit worried when I have such high expectations but I think no matter what it will be wonderful to hear from this author about her own writing process.

Hi Dot - I will definitely try!

Hi Bloomsbury Bell - I'm always really anxious about sharing my work too - I prefer to keep it to myself most of the time!

Hi Molly - Hope your writing is going well!

Hi Nadia - I will definitely try to have fun!

Hi Claire - I am sure I will continue to rave about this author after this workshop!!

Hi T - Thanks!!

Hi Courtney - I'm sure I will share how things go at the workshop - I will be too excited not to I'm sure!

stockdove said...

Ooh, that sounds like an amazing (and inspiring!) experience! Enjoy :)