I had a little fling on The Book Depository a few weeks ago and the results of my behaviour have arrived:
The Book of Fires - Jane Borodale - I have heard and read some mixed things about this one but it sounds like such an intriguing story with a gorgeous cover and design that I thought I would give it a go.
The Opposite of Falling - Jennie Rooney - I read Rooney's first book, Inside The Whale earlier this year and just loved it so when I saw she had a new book just released I added it to my pile. Another gorgeous cover too.
Nomad - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - I read Ali's first memoir book, Infidel and was then fortunate enough to be able to hear her speak when she attended the Sydney Writers' Festival a couple of years ago - an amazing woman and writer.
I've just got a copy of The Book of Fires too. Let's hope we enjoy it!
I'm on the library hold list for Nomad. I loved Infidel - listened to the audio read by the author. Hope the wait isn't too long.
Very nice. It sort of looks liek you've already started reading Book of Fires as the cover keeps itself a little open.
I'm intriged by The Bok of Fires. Mainly because of the firework connection though. Im fascinated by fireworks!
They look fabulous!! There is nothing more exciting than new books!!
I cant believe you had a fling! But it looks like your loot was worth it. Enjoy!!
Hi Jackie - I hope so too, I think it is one book I will take on holidays with me next week.
Hi JoAnn - I hope so too for you sake!
Hi Jodie - It does look like that doesn't it?? I haven't though - I think it is just because I have had it on top of my TBR pile.
Hi Jo - I'm a bit of a fireworks lover myself!
Hi Elise - I completely agree! They always give me a lift.
Hi T - Book flings are fairly common for me!!
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