October 02, 2011

The Week That Was....

I can't believe it is October already! Where has 2011 gone?? I have had my head in the books this past week - both for pleasure and for study purposes. My last two assignments for the year are due in over the next two weeks - then it will be on to more of the pleasure kind of reading! Spring is supposed to have arrived here on the east coast of Australia - and it did peep it's head in for a little while - and then it crept away again to leave us with an awful, wintery long weekend. Here's hoping for more sun this week!


Arti said...

Can't imagine while we're seeing leaves fall from trees, albeit a beautiful autumn we're having, you are welcoming spring! But one thing I can totally agree with you, how time flies by. Enjoy your spring and summer reads!

Karen said...

Hi Arti - We are definitely trying to welcome spring although the wintery weather seems to want to hang around at the moment!!