November 27, 2011

Advent with Austen

Yvann over at Reading, Fuelled by Tea and others have had a brilliant idea of reading and celebrating Jane Austen during Advent. I think any time is a perfect time to celebrate Austen and her work so I am definitely in for this one! This year celebrates a very specific Austen event - the 200th anniversary of the publication  of Sense and Sensibility and so, even though I have to admit it is not one of my favourite of Austen's books, I will be starting my Advent with this. Hopefully this re-reading will bring a new appreciation for Sense and Sensibility...


Alex (The Sleepless Reader) said...

I've started S&S last night and got to chapter 5. I've read Persuasion very recently and it's interesting to notice the differences between one of Austen's first novels and her last.

Will you join us for Twitter Movie night next Sunday? We had so much fun yesterday with P&P 2005.

Karen said...

Hi Alex - I would love to join you for movie night but I'm not sure how that will work with me being in Australia!!

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