June 19, 2013

Packing for Paris...

I have been spending some time thinking about what I will bring along with me on our Paris in July jaunt coming up very soon.
I have some gorgeous Paris/French related books on my shelves that I haven't had a chance to get to as yet so I would like to make time for some of those, especially these two:


And I think my Paris in July treat to myself will be the new Carla Bruni album...

I would also love to dive into a really good French novel - any thoughts on what I could read???
Looking forward to boarding our Paris bound jet plane in July...


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JoAnn said...

Le Road Trip was a beautiful book - I enjoyed it very much last summer!

Nadia said...

I love both books you've chosen - I'm jotting down the titles. And I love the idea of your selection for French music :) I'm so looking forward to getting lost in Paris next month with all the upcoming posts - hurrah!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get through the first book, The Extraordinary Theory of Objects. I found it so dry and boring. But I love, love Carla Bruni. Try Coralie Clement too!

Paris Was Ours by Penelope Rowlands is a wonderful collection of mini-memoirs of Paris by various authors, and The Most Beautiful Walk in the World by John Baxter provided some excellent insider tips that I used when I was in Paris.

Ally said...

I recommend any Foenkinos book, he is so witty and his stories are quite uplifting in an odd way :)

Unknown said...

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Still share things more interesting, ok !!!

SaiRangaTracedeals said...
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