I had promised myself not to commit to any more reading challenges for the rest of the year - but promises are made to be broken - especially where Jane Austen is concerned!
Stephanie at Stephanie's Written Word is hosting the Everything Austen Challenge which is just way too tempting for me - so I'm in!
The challenge runs for 6 months from the 1st July 2009 - 1st January 2010 and involves reading or watching any book, movie, series etc... that relates to Jane Austen.
My 6 items at this stage will be:
1. Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard
2. Austenland by Shannon Hale
3. Intimations of Austen by Jane Greensmith
4. Jane Austen Ruined My Life by Beth Pattillo
5. Becoming Jane Austen by Jon Spence
6. Not quite sure just yet...
It is a tempting challenge though! And here I thought I was up on the Austen "thing" when I read your list and noticed I have not heard about half of them. I am off to follow your links :-)
Hi Samantha - I think you could read forever and still not cover half of the Austen inspired books there are out there! Some are really good - others are not so great - but they are all a bit of fun. I often read them and then think - "Why didn't I think of writing that??"
Geez, there are so many Austen spin-offs!! Anyway, thanks so much for playing along. I hope you enjoy Austenland as much as I did!
Hi Stephanie - I know!! You could keep going for a long time I think. Looking forward to the reading.
This is such a wonderful idea...I am so very much considering it! I just have to choose my six things!
Hi Megan - you definitely should join in!
A tempting challenge to consider...
Have you seen Lost in Austen?
Are you sure you dont want the final one to be Pride & Prejudice & Zombies? I remember your blog about that hahaha. This sounds like really good fun but I simply musnt do any more challenges.
I'm glad to see you caved! Great choices...I really enjoyed Austenland. Have a great time with this challenge.
I enjoyed Austenland - hope you do too! This sounds like such a fun challenge. Maybe I will give it a go. Have you thought of watching Lost in Austen - that is such a fab show! And maybe you should read P&P&Zombies! That could be a laugh. Gosh, there are so many Austen things to choose from! Good luck with the challenge!!
Hi Paperback Reader - I have seen Lost in Austen - a couple of times actually. It always makes me laugh.
Hi savidgereads - I have thought about reading P&P and Zombies for my last option but when my partner read it he gave me updates as he was reading so I kind of feel like I have already read it. I just don't think I can go there after all!
Hi Serena - I'm hearing lots of good things about Austenland so I'm definitely looking forward to that choice.
Hi Nadia - There are so many Austen related books and movies etc... that I think we could easily do this challenge 5 times over!! I'm wanting to add more and more items to my list!
Oh those poor Bronte sisters never get any love. :)
I've heard great things about Austenland--hope you enjoy!
I'm not going to be able to pass up this challenge!
Austenland was so much fun...hope you enjoy it, too.
Hi Trish - I'm definitely a Bronte fan as well but Austen is by far my fave!
Hi JoAnn - sounds like you feel tha same way as I do about this challenge?? Just made for me!
Jon Spence's Becomming Jane Austen is worth reading just because of the way he treats the subject matter..great biography.
An easy to add to and cross off the list is the DVD of Sense and Sensibility starring Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet. I have it if you would like me to send it to you. Let me know.
Agree - Jon Spence's book is a must for Austen fans.
Hi Kim - thanks so much for your offer, that is very sweet. I do have that DVD though and have watched it many times! I love the music in the movie too and have the soundtrack which I love to listen to when I am reading Austen.
Hi Jodie - I love that I am hearing such great things about this book - looking forward to reading it.
prada and prejudice was cute. check out my review and mandy hubbard interview when you're done with this read.
Hi VVB32 - Excellent! My copy of the book just arrived today so looking forward to it.
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