August 23, 2010

Me Through My Reads

I just saw this meme over at Iliana's blog and had to join in, the key is to fill in the rest of the sentence with the title of a book you have read this year;

In School I was: The Help

People Might be surprised I'm: The Debutante

I will never be: Inside The Whale

My Fantasy job is: Campaign Ruby

At the end of a long day I need: Reading by Moonlight

I Hate It When: The Winter Ghosts

Wish I Had: The Hours

My Family Reunions Are: An Education

At A Party You'd Find Me With: Vanessa and Virginia

I've Never Been To: The Painter From Shanghai

A Happy Day Includes: Love and Summer

Motto I Live By: One Day

On My Bucket List: A Week At The Airport

In My Next Life, I Want To Be: The Time Traveler's Wife


Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

I have read The Time Traveler's Wife...I know, I know, I'm embarrassed by this!

Iliana said...

I wish I had The Hours too :)

Loved reading your answers!

Karen said...

Hi Coffee - I don't think you need to be embarraased at all!

Hi Iliana - Loved reading yours too!

Anonymous said...

If you read Fluke you'd have to change your answer to #3. :-D

Karen said...

Hi Softdrink - you have interested me!!

Tamara said...

Hi Karen, I saw this meme but felt my reading list was too limited. But I love some of your responses, especially your bucket list!!