I have found myself moving from a reader who never looked at short stories to one who is now actively seeking them out! Maybe it is a sign of reading maturity? Or just a reflection of where I am in my reading life? Whatever the reason, I am now a lover of the short story genre.
It probably doesn't hurt that I am managing to find short story collections that are blowing me away with their honesty, depth of emotion and clarity - my latest read, Aphrodite's Hat, being no exception.
The overarching theme for the stories in this collection is love - love lost, love gained, love needed, love gained but then not wanted and love in different forms and situations. I thought this theme was weaved perfectly through all of the stories and for a lot of them the theme was twisted and turned in a way that we may not have thought about before which I found refreshing.
Some of the stories in this collection are quite short - but the pacing and timing for each of them seemed just right.
As in all collections there are favourites - the final story "The Fall of a Sparrow" probably being my number one - simply for the reaction it was able to bring from me in the final line - powerful. But there were certainly others that provided a similar response and feeling.
A beautiful and memorable collection.