I have been very fortunate to receive two awards from two of my favourite bloggers lately.
The first is The Sisterhood Award from Iliana at Bookgirl's Nightstand - thank you so much Iliana!
I would like to pass on The Sisterhood Award to bloggers I feel a reading connection with (there are so many of course but I will restrain myself!). My Sisterhood awards go to:
1. Kiss A Cloud - Not only have I had some wonderful reading recommendations from Claire but her blog is always letting me in on great books ideas - thanks Claire!
2. Farm Lane Books - we seem to share similar reading tastes and this blog is always putting forward thoughtful reading and reading related ideas.
3. MariReads - I love Mari's blog and I regularly pop over there to see what she is reading next.
4. The Evening Reader - this is a relatively new blog find for me but I am loving it already. The posts on Gone With The Wind has me hooked and I knew we were going to have similar reading tastes!
5. Urban Bachelorette - Amanda is another blogger I have discovered fairly recently but I am loving reading through her posts and have found we share a lot of the same reading tastes.
My second award was from Farm Lane Books and it was The Zombie Chicken Award! I must admit this one took me a little by surprise (I don't even like chickens!!) but once I read the description of the award I felt very honoured:
“The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all…”
So, my Zombie Chicken Awards go to:
1. Thyme For Tea - Even in the face of zombie chickens I know Tamara would still be producing an interesting and enlightening blog!
2. Trish's Reading Nook - As with Tamara I know Trish will always have high quality posts - definitely excellence being displayed for me.
3. Little Breeze - there is definitely grace, persistence and excellence over at Megan's blog.
4. Books and Cooks - anyone who can cook and has great reading recommendations deserves a zombie chicken I think!
5. Laura's Reading Reflections - for grace, persistence and excellence.
Thanks so much Karen! I really do appreciate it. And I'm really glad we found each other because your blog is one of those that I visit daily now. :D
Karen, how very kind! I was so happy when I found your blog as well. I've already added to my TBR list because of it!
Thanks, Karen! I love your blog, too!
Hi Claire - I couldn't agree more - I have a feeling we will be great book buddies!
Hi eveningreader - glad to hear you are enjoying my blog as much as I am enjoying yours!
Hi Mari - you are more than welcome!
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying my posts. I definitely enjoy yours although it seems I'm not always good at leaving comments :P
Thank you :) This cracks me up - I love zombie apocalypse movies, so it's very fitting :-D
Hi Amanda - I understand what you mean about the comments - I'm the same although I am trying to be more interactive now!
Hi Megan - I'm so glad you like the award! It sounds like I passed on the perfect award for you!
Karen, thanks so much! That's really lovely of you and I appreciate it.
Hi Tara - you are very welcome!
Congrats on your awards Karen! That zombie chicken award is a hoot! :)
Ha ha! The zombie chicken award--this is the first I've seen of this one, and I'm honored that you passed to me! Thank you! :) You made my week!
Thanks Karen. A Zombie Chicken Eclipse? Bring it on I say! That'd make for some interesting times. I'm not sure I've read about it the trauma literature though. But seriously, thanks again for your encouraging words.
Hi Iliana - you are most welcome - I am glad you appreciate your zombie chicken!
Hi Laura - glad you got a chuckle out of the award!!
Hi Tamara - maybe it's a term we need to bring into our professional world!!
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