I had 4 books I had placed reserves on waiting for me to collect this week:
1. The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister - a book I saw when I was browsing the bookshop shelves a couple of weeks ago - the story sounds so sweet and the book itself looks gorgeous.
2. The Piano Teacher by Janice Y. K. Lee - again, a gorgeous cover that drew me in but I did actually read a wonderful review of this one over at Matt's blog so that's really what made me pick this one up.
3. The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry - there are so many great things being said about this one around the blogging world - has anyone read this and hasn't liked it??
4. The Lost Life by Australian author Steven Carroll. I started this one last night and am already half way through - fabulous!
Your library looks much better than mine. There is no way I'd find such recently published books on my local library shelves.
I'm looking forward to your comments on The Secret Scripture and Essential Ingrediants especially. I hope you enjoy them!
Hi Jackie - I know! I was quite surprised to find that my library carried such new books too. I'll certainly let you know what I think of those two.
The first three are on my wishlist. The last one I haven't heard of before. You have great books ahead of you! I haven't found those in our library either.
Wow, you have collected some interesting reading of late. Looking forward to more of those reviews.... how about some creative writing soon too?
I just got the School of Essential Ingredients in the mail. Those other books sound divine! Happy Reading.
I really want to read The Secret Scripture at some point! The writing is supposed to be gorgeous. And I'm very intrigued by your Aussie read... I've only read one Aussie author (that I'm aware of) - I read Tim Winton's Cloudstreet and quite liked it. I also have a Peter Carey novel in my TBR pile (True History of the Kelly Gang) that I'll need to read one of these days!
Hi Claire - I think my problem at the moment is that I have too many great books waiting for me!! I need a plan of action to get to them all I think.
Hi Tamara - yes, my writing has kind of fallen by the wayside with everything else that has been going on. Convenient excuse I know!
Hi Serena - thanks! Same to you!
Hi Steph - You've got two great Australian authors there. Tim Winton's latest book, "Breath" is supposed to be wonderful but I haven't actually read it myself as yet.
The first three books you mentioned, I've heard lots about and of course want to read them but now I'm intrigued by the last one!
Looking forward to your review.
I've been wanting to read The Last Life, but was never able to get into the Gift of Speed, which kind of put me off - have you read any of his other books before?
Hi Iliana - I've now finished The Lost Life and Ingredients - I loved both!
Hi Megan - No, I haven't read any of Carroll's books before - but I'm definitely going to give them a go after loving The Lost Life. What was it about The Gift of Speed that turned you off?
Hmm...I don't really remember, it was so long ago now! I just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was the fact that it was partly about cricket. I might need to go and pull it out of storage - this seems to be my year of giving books and authors another chance!
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