We were meant to travel to Sydney yesterday for the Writer's Festival but I have been feeling a little under the weather all week and just didn't feel up to making the trip in the continuing yucky weather yesterday. If anyone did happen to make it there I would love to hear about what I missed.
So, I was feeling a little disappointed but a trip into town in the afternoon cured that a little when my partner and I stumbled upon the annual library sale!
I managed to pick up 4 hardcover books for $4 each - you've got to be happy with that!
My collection included:
The Lollipop Shoes by Joanne Harris - I have just started re-reading Chocolat in preparation to read this one which I had just borrowed from my local library but it was due to be returned soon so it's good that I now have my own copy!
Chart Throb by Ben Elton - I did read this one when it first came out and it is absolutely hilarious - I laugh just thinking about this book!
Windfall by Penny Vincenzi - After reading a review about this one by Tara it sounds like the perfect book for the upcoming winter months over here.
Elizabeth Costello by J. M. Coetzee - I have not read any books by this South African author before but I would like to give them a try. Has anybody got any feedback on this one?
The weather is shocking at the moment, isn't it? I live in Sydney though, so did manage to see two favourite authors in conversation at the SWF (Sonya Hartnett and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie).The ABC recorded the Adichie and many other events, so if you keep an eye on the Radio National Book Show site you should be able to hear some of what you missed.
Of the four of your library sale finds, I've only read the Elton which I agree was hilarious. I'll be interested to hear about the others.
Oh no. So it means you missed hearing Adichie! I do hope you're feeling better, Karen. At least you got those hardcovers. :D I've only read Coetzee's Disgrace, which is not very enjoyable due the subject matter, but so unputdownable and powerful.
Sorry to hear that you weren't able to make it up here :( I was thinking about you yesterday actually and wondering how you were enjoying Adichie and Monica Ali. The weather here yesterday afternoon was awful, so I don't blame you for deciding not to come!
I've not read any of these books, though I've owned Elizabeth Costello for years. Not sure why I was never able to get into it. Maybe because it's because it's a series of fictional lectures, and I prefer to read straight narrative than a pastiche of modes of writing.
I'd like to read Disgrace, though.
Hi adevotedreader - I'm not a fan of the weather at all but at least we are not further up North at the moment. Was Adichie good? She was one of the authors I was really looking forward to hearing. I will have to listen out for The Book Show.
Hi Claire - I know - I was so disappointed to have missed her. I was struggling so much with myself yesterday about whether I should go or not but I have such a big week at work coming up that I couldn't afford to get really sick. I so hate it when work comes between me and my reading!
Hi Megan - I wish I could have been there but it does sound like I made the right decision weather wise. I'm with you about the writing structure of Elizabeth Costello - not sure if it is going to be my thing or not but I thought for $4 I would give it a try!
What a great haul! I love buying books, but it's even better when they're cheap (and from what I've read elsewhere, that isn't always the case in Australia).
After reading and loving Gentlemen & Players, I need to read more Harris. Which one would you recommend I try? The used bookstore always has a bunch of stuff by her, and you seem to be quite the connoisseur when it comes to her stuff!
I've never read any Coetzee, but he's on my list of authors I need to try! I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on him!
Sorry you didn't get to Sydney. But those books all look great! :)
Hi Steph - I don't think you could go wrong with whichever Harris book you decided to pick up. I would recommend Chocolat although it is quite different in setting and tone etc... to Gentlemen and Players so not sure if it would be your type of book or not?? I would still give it a go I think!
Hi Eva - yes, I was disappointed but at least there were some new books to ease my pain!
How disappointing to have missed the festival! But, how nice that you found a copy of Windfall. I hope you are feeling better.
Chocolat is one of my favorite books and I've read it three or four times. I have the Lollipop Shoes, too, but I have yet to get to that one! I want to read that Penny Vincenzi novel, too! :)
Hi Tara - yes, it was a day of losses and gains!
I am feeling much better too - thank you!
Hi Danielle - I love Chocolat too - I'm really enjoying reading it for the second time so long after I first read it - I've forgotten so much it's like visiting it for the first time!
I went off Joanne Harris after I read "Holy Fools". Up until then she was one of the only authors whose books I'd rush out and buy in hardcover. I've always been tempted by Lollipop Shoes though...
Coetzee is an acquired taste, I think. I've read a couple and not sure if I want to read any more. (I haven't read the one you bought.) He bills himself as an Australian writer now, doesn't he? He did take out citizenship...
Hi Kimbofo - I think you might be right about Coetzee regarding himself as Australian now - I do remember hearing something about that. I like how you have said he is an "acquired taste" - I will see if that turns out to be my taste or not!
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