I have been obsessed by the TV show Damages starring Glenn Close and gorgeous Australian actress, Rose Byrne.
My partner and I have just finished watching series 1 on DVD and the next day we went straight out to buy series 2 - we're hooked!
The show is set in New York and follows the high flying law firm of Patty Hewes (Glenn Close) and her up and coming young lawyer, Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne). As in my reading I am not normally drawn to legal thriller/mystery type shows. I work in the medical legal field and these types of shows make me feel like I haven't left work. I'm not sure if this one is a little different because it is set in the USA and the legal system there is quite different in many ways to Australia - or maybe this show is just so good I could see past everything else that normally keeps me away!
It's also been a good hobby to enjoy with my partner so onto to series 2! Has anyone else been watching this show - or any other good ones they would recommend?
I loved Season one of Damages but watched the first two episodes of Season 2 and switched off - let me know if I should re-attempt them!
I love the premise, the structure and Glenn Close is amazingly good.
Hi Claire - Thanks for this info. I must admit I was wondering if the show could sustain itself after such a wonderful first series. I will let you know what I think.
I haven't seen this show yet but it does sound intriguing! One show I only just recently discovered is 'Mad Men' and it's fantastic!
Hi stockdove - I am a HUGE Mad men fan too!! I am half way through season 2 at the moment.
I was just about to say... Mad Men is fabulous...Ii don't even know how to describe it. I'm glad I'm not alone!
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