Today is BookBath's second Birthday!
I know it might not seem like such a big Birthday but I feel there are definitely reasons to celebrate. When I started blogging two years ago I really did not have many expectations for where I wanted my blog to go or what I really wanted to get out of the experience - it was simply a spot for me to record my thoughts and impressions about the books I was reading and to celebrate my favourite hobby.
Now I feel that my blog offers me a creative outlet in my life - something I was crying out for but didn't even know it! BookBath has also allowed me to connect with a wonderful worldwide book blogging community - I feel like I have made some amazing 'book buddies' through this experience.
So, as a small way of saying thank you to you all (but in particular one of you!) I would like to offer my very first book giveaway. I will send a copy of one of my favourite reads so far this year - The Legacy by Kirsten Tranter which I reviewed here to one lucky person. This offer is open to anyone anywhere in the world! You just need to leave a comment to this post telling me what has been your favourite read of 2010 so far (so that I can add to my ever growing TBR pile!). Please include your email address in the comment too.
I will randomly draw a winner on Saturday 10th April.
Happy Blog Birthday!
I'd have to say that my favourite book so far this year has been Vanessa and Virginia.
happy bloggiversary - two years, that's amazing!
Happy blogiversary! I look forward to being here to celebrate your third!
My favourite read of 2010 so far is Rupture by Simon Lelic. I hope that more people decide to read it.
Happy Bloggish Birthday. Don'y worry about popping me in the draw as I just wanted to wish you a wonderful day.
Happy blog birthday!!!
I'd love to join in the contest. Your review for the book makes me definitely want to read it.
My best reads so far have been The Little Stranger and Brooklyn.
Happy Blog Birthday!! 2 years of blogging and still going strong! Congrats!!
I wish I could give 3 favourite books so far, its been a really good year in book terms for me.
But I'll pick 'In memory of the forest' Charles T Powers as its less well known than the other ones.
Happy Birthday! and thank you for your generous giveaway.
I would say that 'Major Pettigrew's Last Stand' has been my favourite so far but I think you have read that one so I will follow that up with Jasper Fforde's 'The Eyre Affair'... a surprise enjoyment for me :-)
Congrats on the 2 year anniversary!
Happy Bloggiversary! I always forget when mine is.
Best read of 2010 so far would have to be The Mill on the Floss. I'm still devastated.
Congratulations on your blogging birthday!
Asking a book lover to choose just one favourite book (of *any* year) is kinda mean...but if I have to pick one I'm going with The Book Thief. I wasn't sure when I started it that I would like it as much as other people had, but it won me over and moved me in a way a book hasn't in a long time.
Happy Bloggiversary!
I would love to be entered to win this book, I have my eye on it and BookDepository has been out of stock.
My favorite read of the year so far is either Still Alice or The Blue Orchard.
My favorite read of the year (so far) would have to be After the Workshop by John McNally. Funny, and poignant, and personal. I want everyone to read it, actually--it's just so good. :)
Happy Blog Birthday! :) All of us look forward to your next one, haha.
- Sasha
Congratulations on two years!
Happy bloggiversary, Karen!
I would love to read The Legacy so that would be a great give-away to win. My favourite read of 2010 so far is probably The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
Happy happy blogiversary, dear Karen!!
My fave books of the year so far are Moby Dick and To the Lighthouse and Everything is Illuminated.
Congratulations on two years of blooging Karen, and as I write this on Good Friday, Happy Easter!
My favourite reads of the year to date have been Alice Munro's Too much happiness and Zadie Smith's changing my mind: occasional essays.
Happy blogiversary! My favorite book so far this year is The Disappeared. I didn't even have to think about my answer, it was that good.
Happy Blog Birthday, sorry a bit belated, but from the heart!
The book I loved the most to read this year so far:
The Guernsey Literary and Potato peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.
It started a whole journey into letter writing and of the reading of different types of books on correspondence, books in letter form and other related things!
Happy bloggiversary. My favourite read of this year has been Jane Eyre, which I read for the first time.
Happy Bloggiversary! Wishing you many more happy years of blogging.
Let's see, I've read a lot of good books lately but one that stands out is Thursday Night Widows by Claudia Pineiro.
Happy 2nd birthday Book Bath! I hope you stay in your bookbath forever, and never decide to get out and towel off.
Happy Blogiversary!
My best reads of this year so far are Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer or The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Happy 2nd anniversary--I resonate completely with your feelings about the richness that blogging has brought to your life. We live in an amazing world :)
My favorite read of 2010...still Edward Kennedy's True Compass. True Compass was a life changer for me in terms of inspiration.
Happy Blog Birthday! Has it only been 2 years?? Wow.
Sadly I haven't yet found a favourite yet, but the best so far was eat, sleep, sit.
I'm a new reader of your blog, but we seem to like similar books (I've just finished "Consolation" - look forward to reading what you think of it). My favourite book this year has been "Let the Great World Spin" by Colum McCann. I got quote nostagic reading about the first computers, New York's Twin Towers, and the general scene in the 70's (although I'm not quite that old!). Here's to another year in blogging.
A very happy blogoversary to you.
My favourite read was Chitra Bannerjee Divakaruni's Arranged Marriage.
Hi Everyone - thank you so much for all of your blogging Birthday wishes and for giving me so many new book ideas! I will let you know the winner of the copy of The Legacy this weekend.
Happy blogiversary, may there be many more years to come.
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