I have thought about this for a few days and I have decided to jump into the Once Upon A Time Challenge being hosted, as always, by Stainless Steel Droppings. I have thought long and hard about participating in this challenge partly because one of my reading plans this year was not to over commit myself to challenges but the main reason is that the fantasy and fantasy related genres are not usually my thing - at all! My partner reads almost exclusively in this area so I will have no shortage of options around me but I really do feel like stretching my reading a little at the moment and one of the best ways I have found of doing this is by participating in reading challenges or read alongs. The group atmosphere and levels of support with these blogging activities always encourages me.
I have decided to join the challenge at the Quest The First Level which requires you to read at least 5 books from any or all of the fantasy, folklore, fairy tale or mythology genres and the challenge runs from March 21st until June 20th.
Now on to my (possible) reading list:
I realise these might not seem like very brave choices to true fantasy readers but I don't want to scare myself off!
Any suggestions for my fifth book??
it sounds like a good list.. i did just what you are doing but with Carls RIP challenge and discovered a love for gothic mysteries, so you never know what you might enjoy.. we constantly change, so things we didn't like might suddenly be enjoyable, I hope you find this true for you!
As for a 5th book..hmmm, there are sooooooo many out there ! But one of my young adult favorites is Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (it's a trilogy) or you could read the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.. that is a much easier read than the lord of the rings trilogy...
good luck! I hope you enjoy your books!
Wow! Stepping outside of your comfort zone! Way to go!
I loved Garden Spells when I read it a while ago. In terms of recs, I think that given that this is such a new area for you I would possibly keep an eye out on what other people are reading and then see if something really catches your attention!
That's a nice list. I'm not a natural fantasy reader, but I do like a twist of magic in the real world. Garden Spells is on my list too and I have high hopes for it.
And can I recommend you another book on my list that I'm already reading. Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner is proving to be a real gem.
yay karen!! they are all ones I most definitely wouldve picked - maybe we can compare reviews on the Sally Vickers...and I cannot WAIT to see what you think of Tender Morsels and Alice x2.
I'm going to be reading Sarah Addison Allen's newest...I'm a virgin to her work so it'll be interesting to say the least!
Karen, I have the PERFECT fantasy book for you! Please do read The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern (aka William Goldman). I think you'll like it.
As for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, great choice! One of my faves as a kid, and won't hesitate to reread it.
I'll be reading Tender Morsels for group read too.
I loved Tender Morsels (a rare 5 out of 5 stars for me)... its very dark... be forewarned.
Garden Spells is wonderful...
Good luck on the challenge!
Hi DesLily - I know what you mean, I have found some books in this genre in the past that I have really enjoyed. I have read Inkheart in the past and The Hobbit is a definite no go zone for me! I just can't get into it at all even though I have tried a few times.
Hi Marg - I think that's a good idea - I tend to really enjoy "fantasy" books that have some relationship to reality so I will keep an eye out.
Hi fleurfisher - thanks for the recommendation - it sounds like you and I have similar tastes when it comes to this genre.
Hi Aimee - sounds great! I will look out for your reviews.
Hi Claire - Your group read schedule is actually where I got the idea for Tender Morsels so thanks for that! My best friend has actually recommended The Princess Bride to me too so seeing as though I trust you both I will have to pick it up!
Hi Shellie - 5 out of 5 - that's a great recommendation! Thanks for the darkness warning too.
It's always nice to step outside your usualy reading zone, it can make everything seem fresh and new. I plan to read 'Garden Spells' too (although I was a bit tempted to order her new book instead of reading the one I already own). Hope you ahve some wonderful new reading expereinces and will let us know all about Tender Morsels.
This sounds like a great challenge for you at the moment - while your plunging into a different work world it'll be nice to escape into the world of make believe... Good luck with the reading challenge - and the work one too!
Hi Jodie - I'm hoping it will be a great reading challenge for me. I've just finished Garden Spells so one book down.
Hi T - Thanks! Quite a few challenges going on at the moment - hopefully I will rise to them!
Hi Karen, sorry I haven't been around recently. Glad you're joining in Once Upon a Time - it's a great challenge and always great to at least try outside your comfort zone.
I'm planning on reading Tender Morsels too and multi-task for this challenge and my own by reading/rereading some Angela Carter.
I love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass and own several copies including the annotated edition, which is great.
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