Isn't this one of the most fantastic titles for a book?? The Unbearable Lightness of Scones is the latest book in the 44 Scotland Street series by Alexander McCall Smith. This is a series I became a little hooked on earlier in the year - I devoured the first few books and then found I was getting a little bored by the characters so I took a little break before reading this latest offering. I'm so glad I did because I was delighted by this book when I finally picked it up this week. I was enjoying reading about the little (and not so little) antics of the crowd in and around 44 Scotland Street again. I'm still feeling a little frustrated by Bertie and his suffocating, obnoxious mother Irene - if ever a character needed removal this woman is one! But overall I was once again loving McCall Smith's style of writing - so simplistic and yet so funny, clever and engaging at the same time.
I'm not sure if McCall Smith is going to be writing another book in this series - does anyone know?? I am thinking there are still a few unanswered questions that could be addressed in another book so I'm hoping he picks up his pen...
I read the first of this series during the first read-a-thon and didn't really like it, but I realise now that this may be due to sleep-deprived crankiness! This is definitely the Best Title Ever (although every time I see a title from this series, I immediately want to read it!), so I might end up trying out the second one at some point. Right now, though, I want to begin his Bostwana series-my mom loves it!
I love this series, as well as the Sunday Philosophy Club series by Smith. I have only read a couple of the No. 1 Ladies Det. Agency books, but I've started watching the HBO series on Sunday nights, which is good. I love Smith's sense of humor! I have a feeling he'll be writing more in this series, as well as the others. He is a very prolific writer and an interesting man.
I've been wanting to start the No. 1 Ladies series but always I find (in used bookshops only, because I'm cheap, lol) never the first book. As I want to read it in order, I've never gotten around to. But someday..
And yes, that is indeed the cutest title. :D
Hi Eva - Maybe this type of book just isn't for you?? I recommended the first in the series to one of my friends who was looking for something light to read on a work trip and she finished the book but she wasn't all that into it. Although, like you say, sometimes we have to be in the right moods for certain books.
Hi Lisa, I'm reading the Sunday Philosophy series too at the moment - onto the second book now. Liking it too although probably not quite as much as the 44 Scotland Street books at the moment - I'm sure it will grow on me.
Hi Claire - I've read the first couple of books from the No. 1 Ladies series - they were great books too I thought. There are just too many books and not enough time!
I admit I had to do a double take with the title--immediately thought, "my copy of The Unbearable Lightness of Being doens't look like that!" :) I've never read anything by him, but I've heard good things.
I'm with Lisa, I love both the Scotland Street and the Isabel Dalhousie books. As far as I know, McCall Smith tries to write a book in each series each yea, so there should be more to come!
Hi Trish - they are great books for when you aren't feeling like concentrating too much. That's not to say that they are simple or light necessarily - just written brilliantly.
Hi adevotedreader - thanks for letting me know. Hopefully there will be a new one in the series soon!
I really like this series - although I think there have been some patchy moments (like Dominica and the pirates) but very nice, thoughtful comfort reading.
I read a number of AMS's series, but for some reason haven't started this one yet! I might need to rectify that!
I have only read the first in this series so far and didnt quite gel with it like I have his other series. Will give the second one ago at some point but its always the Ladies Detective series I pick up instead.
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