June 05, 2010

Paris In July

BookBath and Thyme For Tea have decided to come together to host a blogging experience to celebrate our love of all things French and Parisian - "Paris In July".

We are two friends with a deep interest and love of French culture and way of life - although we experience and demonstrate this passion in very different ways. Karen has only recently discovered the magic of Paris - the city, the architecture, the fashion and the literature whereas the French experience has been a part of Tamara's life for a long time, leading her to learn the language and experience the culture in a deeper way. But for both of us as Australian's, the reality of traveling to France is a costly and timely experience - so we need to find ways of bringing France to us!

So, in order to help us do that we will be jointly hosting a French themed blogging experience running from the 1st - 31st July this year called "Paris In July".

The aim of the month is to celebrate our French experiences through reading, watching, listening to, observing, cooking and eating all things French!

There will be no rules or targets in terms of how much you need to do or complete in order to be a part of Paris In July - just blog about anything French and you can join in. Some ideas for the month might include;

- Reading a French book - fiction or non-fiction

- Watching a French movie

- Listening to French music

- Cooking French food

- Experiencing French art, architecture or travel

If you are interested in being a part of this experience leave a comment on this post and we will put together a side bar showing all of the participants. There will be weekly French themed prizes during the month for which we will randomly draw the winners from all the French themes posts of that week that link back to us. Tamara from Thyme For Tea will be writing weekly wrap up posts on the 10th and 24th July and Karen from BookBath on the 17th and 31st July for you to link your posts to.

We have found and designed a couple of images to represent our Paris in July experience so feel free to add these to your blog if you are joining us. We will write posts leading up to the start of Paris in July to give you some ideas about what you might like to include and to share the books, films. music etc... that we are planning to experience ourselves during the month.

Looking forward to Paris In July!


Claire (The Captive Reader) said...

I would definitely be interested! I'm happy to read about Paris at any time of the year and have plenty of French films to keep me busy, as well as French cookbooks. Might needs some inspiration in the music department though - my encounters with French music (aside from a few jazz clubs in Paris)center on awful memories of Serge Gainsbourg and Manu Chao.

Carolyn said...

Count me in! I went to Paris for my honeymoon and have French books and movies and some music too.

Unknown said...

I have read a lot of French books already this year, so I probably won't read one in July - although I can recommend The Kindly Ones and Beside the Sea if you are after dark, disturbing French books to read.

I do love watching French films though, so will try and get one to watch during July.

Great challenge!

Elise said...

Ooh this sounds like fun!! I will definitely join in the French Fun!

Nadia said...

Paris in July sounds brilliant! What a wonderful idea! Definitely count me in - I want to join in on the fun :)

Frances said...

Would love to join you, Francophile that I am! What a lovely idea, and summer seems the perfect time for it.

Joan Hunter Dunn said...

What a superb idea - I would love to join you.

JoAnn said...

This sounds like such fun! I could read French authors for Short Story Monday, or finally get to A Moveable Feast, and maybe try some of Julia Child's French recipes... the possibilities are endless!

Marg said...

Oh, this could be the perfect time for me to read some books for the French Historical challenge that I am in!

By the way, I have recently started a directory for Australian book bloggers. If you are interested, you can find out further information about it here

Karen said...

Hi Everyone - thanks so much for your enthusiasm and excitement! Looking forward to Paris In July - keep spreading the news!

Astrid (Mrs.B) said...

I'd love to join and I'm probably going for a few days to Paris soon so it would be so fitting if I can find some books there. I've just reread The Elegance of the Hedgehog and I still love it.

Mel u said...

Count me in for sure this sounds like fun-I am in fact currently reading The Charterhouse of Parma by Stendahl-maybe I will read The Red and The Black in July for this event

Karen said...

Hi Mrs B and Mel - welcome to the fun!

Mrs. Fry said...

I am planning on reading Germinal by Balzac

Karen said...

Hi Brenda - Welcome!

Lucy said...

Hey! I got your link from Marg of Historical tapestry- she said I might like this...she was right! I love Paris and, as a matter of fact, am hosting a French Historical Oh-La-La Challenge over at my site.

I'd love to participate in your July challenge (although i may not be around for all of July, due to vacation time;) Let me know what I have to do (I mainly read French books and write reviews...)

Lucy said...

Hey! I got your link from Marg of Historical tapestry- she said I might like this...she was right! I love Paris and, as a matter of fact, am hosting a French Historical Oh-La-La Challenge over at my site.

I'd love to participate in your July challenge (although i may not be around for all of July, due to vacation time;) Let me know what I have to do (I mainly read French books and write reviews...)

Karen said...

Hi Ms Lucy - it sounds like you were made for this challenge! I will join you to our list of participants. All you have to do is read or watch or listen to or cook etc... one French related item in the month of July and post about with a link back to our sites.

Mel u said...

I am also thinking about reading a short story each week by a different classic French author-Dailylit.com has a lot you can read for free on line-

Audrey said...

I've only been to Paris once, but I'd like to go again in spirit by joining you. I might bake a little, too...

Sara said...

I think this idea is so fun! I'll have to decide what to read, but I'll be in.

Buried In Print said...

Oh, this does sound lovely. I'm thinking of some of Mavis Gallant's wonderful stories. Or, if it gets too hot and I need something more plot-focussed, I'd love to read further in Cara Black's mystery series. Thanks to both of you for hosting!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. I'm planning a trip to Paris in July (yay!) but if that doesn't work out, I've got a Muriel Barbary and Daniel Pennac waiting for my on my TBR pile. Count me in please!

Marie Cloutier said...

I'm so in! Vive la France!

Karen said...

Hi Everyone - so looking forward to having you all join us in July!

Paperback Reader said...

Count me in too! I've been desperately wanting to read some more Colette recently and July would be perfect. I also have an outstanding review of French Milk, which I'll use to highlight the challenge.

Anonymous said...

I'm signing up. Thanx.

Sabrina said...

Hi, I'm kolibri and I'd like to join Paris in July. It sounds like so much fun.
I think I'm going to watch Amelie and Coco Chanel. And I will read Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky as this book is sitting on my tbr for so long.

Amy DeTrempe said...

I am so thrilled I found this site. I love Paris. I've been lucky enough to go twice and I get to go back next spring. I am more attracted to the history of France and Paris and have been going a lot of research on the French Revolution. I haven't read much fiction. However, I am in charge of makeup for the local production of Les Mis (in July) does the script count - lol. I should blog about my trips and post some pictures. I've always meant to do that.

Anni said...

Paris in July? That means Tour de France for me. :)
On the other hand I re-discover my love to the French culture from time to time, so this is an ideal challenge for me.
In my teenage years I've read many many books by Zola, Balzac and Stendhal, later I loved Mauriac and Sartre, and now there is time to read something contemporary.
(Funny, my last reviewed book on my blog is one by Le Clezio)
So, I'm singig up!

Heidenkind said...

J'ai deux amour: a Paris et Paris. ;)

I'm so in! Great idea.

Iliana said...

I couldn't resist - count me in.
Merci! :)

Lynda said...

I'm in :

Anonymous said...

Love Paris,
I Look forward to the fun activities

Jillian said...

How fun! Please count me in.

Karen said...

Hi Everyone - thanks so much for joining in! I think the month of July is going to be a lot of fun!

ds said...

Yes, please, if it is not too late,count me in as well (I've even been to Paris in July--ha ha)
Merci beaucoup!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! I know it's already July 2nd, but I would love to jump on this one. "Les Miserables" is still languishing away on my TBR shelf and I think this is just the motivation I needed to crack it open. Now, I just need to decide on a movie and make up a menu. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm horribly late, but this is such a lovely idea. I'm definitely coming along for the trip!

BooksPlease said...

If it's not too late I'd like to join the trip too.

Anonymous said...

I have a billion French films in my Netflix queue, and it would be fun to try some French recipes and read some short stories, so count me in!

Isabelle Lafleche said...

Hello, I'd LOVE to join in your Paris in July festivities by offering a free copy of my new novel, J'ADORE NEW YORK, the story of Catherine Lambert, a Parisian lawyer who moves to the big apple!


Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

Am excited to participate, and here is the link to my post on "Paris, J'taime." Thanks!


Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I just posted about Paris in July!


Jillian said...

I would like to join, please sign me up! :)


Jillian said...

I just wrote a 'Paris in July' post and can be found right here. Thank you :)

Sarah Joyce said...

I know I'm a week late but I'd love to partisipate for the rest of the month. I'll have a Parisian inspired post up tonight at my blog!
such a great idea!

Marg said...

Another foodie post from me!


Molly said...

I read and reviewed Luncheon of the Boating Party which I believe qualifies for Paris in July.

the review can be found here:

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've just come home from Paris, so I would love to return to Paris for July!

If it's not too late....I'd really like to have a big Paris giveaway....all the books I bought, the language CDs, some music....

Mel u said...

I justed posted on a Zola short story for Paris in the Spring

My Post

Anonymous said...

I'm interested! I love Paris. And I recently bought a Proust book, in Paris, that I need to read.

Anonymous said...

Just put up a post about Paris here http://chasingbawa.wordpress.com/2010/07/18/paris-in-july-update/

Hope to do another one soon!

Mel u said...

Hi-I just did a second post for Paris In July

My Post

Marg said...

I am talking Tour de France in my latest Paris in July post.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just posted about The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery!


I'm currently reading The Chatelet Apprentice by Jean-Francois Parot but I don't think I'll finish in time!

JoAnn said...

One last post for Paris in July - my review of Cheri and The Last of Cheri by Colette.

Grilsgood said...

I didn't see a finish date so I am presuming now. No blog, so here is what i read...

Reading a French book: Adler, Elizabeth The Firt Time I Saw Paris
Listening to French music: Banquet du Voeu by Guillaume Dufay
Cooking French food: made Fresh Peach Clafouti
French Art: Visited Yale Art Gallery's French collection

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