So, I went to Sydney for work today and as predicted (by myself!) I visited some bookshops and made some purchases.
I actually didn't have a lot of time to browse today or the damage done could have been a lot worse!
I ended up buying:
1. No Angel - Penny Vincenzi; I have seen her books before but thought they always looked a bit light and fluffy - not that there's anything wrong with that - just not usually my cup of tea. But based on Danielle's excellent recommendation I'm going to give this one a go. I already started it on the train on the way home and it's one of the first times I can remember wanting a train journey to take longer! A good sign of things to come.
2. My other purchase was Selected Stories - Alice Munro; this is a book I have listed to read for the New Classics Challange and my local library does not seem to carry a copy so I think the purchase was well justified. Besides, from all I have heard of Alice Munro I am thinking I will want to have a copy of this one for myself.
I always end up visiting bookshops when on business trips! Let me know how you like Alice Munro, I might consider adding her to my New Classics Challenge list...
Hi Jill - you must be as addicted to bookshops as me I would say! I will definitely let you know about Alice Munro...
I hope you like the Penny Vincenzi--there are three books and I found them all totally absorbing and plan on rereading them sometime!! I prefer her historica fiction (like these) over her contemporary novels.
Hi Danielle - I'm absolutely loving No Angel. I've been getting up early to read some before going to work each day this week! I've almost finished.
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