I have been feeling a little all over the place with my reading of late. I have books everywhere - not unusual for me but it is starting to feel a little chaotic and out of control! What to do??
The two books I have been spending time on this weekend are Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
Yes, I decided to go for it and read Twilight - I'm only about 100 pages in and enjoying it so far. I must admit I thought I wasn't going to like it when I first started. Not really sure why - just thought the Edward character was a little false - I know, I know - he's a vampire and extremely mysterious - but still! Anyway, I'm on board with the story at the moment.
My Wuthering Heights reading is going much better than I expected - absolutely loving it! I'm not sure why I couldn't get into this classic the first time I tried it but those reasons seem to have been banished now.
Just don't expect great things from Twilight. Treat it as fluff and you won't be disappointed.
I couldn't get into Bronte before, and I was an English major! It's funny how I can enjoy so many books now, that I didn't enjoy then.
Not sure how I found your blog, but I like it. I'll be back.
I read Wuthering Heights for the first time earlier this year, and I ended up really enjoying it. It took me FOUR TIMES over the years to finally get into it. How's that for a shoddy record?
And since you happened to mention Twilight, there are TONS of Wuthering Heights references in the third book, Eclipse. :)
My reading tends to be all over the place as well usually. I think you couldn't be reading two more different books at the same time as you are now! The first time I tried reading Wuthering Heights I didn't get very far. Then I read it a few years ago and really liked it. I need to reread it some time!
Hi Holly - thanks for the advice RE: Twilight - I will definitely take that on board. Thanks for coming over to my blog - I'm going to check yours out now.
Hi Andi - great heads up about the WH references in Stephanie Meyer's work - I wish I had the talent to write this way!
Hi Danielle - I was thinking exactly the same thing about my current eclectic reading habits!
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