I am really getting back into the swing of borrowing from my library - now I just have to read all of these books I have picked up!
Books borrowed this week:
The Good Parents By Joan London and The Lost Dog By Michelle de Kretser - both of these are books on my Best Australian Reads of 2008 that I want to work my way through this year.
A History of the Middle East By Peter Mansfield and Nicolas Mansfield - this is a book I saw on the shelf as I walked into the library. This is an area I want to read about for The World Citizen Challenge and having a quick flick through I thought this might be a good place to start. Has anyone else read this one?
My Sister My Love By Joyce Carol Oates - I love Oates' writing and this story, a fictionalised account of the JonBenet Ramsay murder, really interests me for some reason.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay By Michael Chabon - this is one of the books I have chosen to read to complete The New Classics Challenge and having picked it up this afternoon from the library I have already flown through 150 pages - an amazing story!
I've just stumbled across your blog, and I like it! I've added you to my RSS feed.
I loved the beginning and end of Kavalier and Clay, so if you find a dull section in the middle about life in a comic book office, please read on, as the ending is great!
Happy library Loot!
I've only read one book by Oates but will be interested in reading more by her. She seems to be a love/hater author though. Looks like you found some good ones :)
Hi farmlanebooks - thanks for dropping by! I agree about some of the long comic book related sections in Kavalier and Clay - I'm getting up to those now. Just trying not to get too bogged down in them and enjoy the story.
Hi Alessandra - same to you!
Hi samantha.1020 - I agree about Oates - I find some of her writing hard going at times but I have found it worth it to hang in there!
Karen, Good on you for returning to the library. I have to admit, with the encouragement of the 'Library Loot' Logo, I got myself off to the local library to seek out a specific author with great success. So I got my new Library card, and another book to read.... Your choices continue to be varied, and inspirational. Don't know about the fashion book though... tell us more about it later.
Karen - Today you've been nominated for the Premio Dardos Award by me. See more about it at www.thyme-for-tea.blogspot.com.
Hi Tamara - thank you so much for my award - very much tickled pink!
I haven't read A History of the Middle East, but it sounds interesting! Can't wait for your review of it. :)
Hi Eva - yes, it does look interesting - and it actually looks like it won't be too deep for me to understand which is something I always worry about when reading books in this political area!
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