May 11, 2010

Lovely New Things

It has been a while since I have posted about new books and lovely things coming into the BookBath world - but that doesn't mean that they haven't been coming in. My book buying has been pretty constant over the past few weeks - I just keep hearing about wonderful books! So, this might be the first post of quite a few...

The photo above shows three books that have come home with me recently, From top to bottom:
Beautiful Malice - Rebecca James; This book has been getting quite a bit of publicity in Australia recently - mainly due to the large amount that the author received for this, her first book, to be published. The book itself has also been getting some great reviews and not only does the author currently live in my town of origin but I am hoping to hear her speak at the upcoming Sydney Writer's Festival.

Living Oprah - Robyn Okrant; I read about this one in a local newspaper article and thought it sounded really interesting (if a little crazy!). The author spends a year following every piece of advice and using every product advocated by Oprah Winfrey.

Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad - Bee Rowlatt & May Witwit; The words "Jane Austen" in the title were what first caught my attention but then the description of the book made me actually buy it. It is the story - through letters and emails of May, an Iraqui lecturer living in Baghdad and Bee a journalist and a mum living in London and the relationship they develop while sharing with each other the stories of their lives.

The photos above also show my passion for all things Paris continuing. My partner brought me the perfume when he came back from his recent trip to Noumea and I found the gorgeous book, Paris Secrets - Janelle McCulloch - in one of our local independent bookstores.
The book is currently sitting on our coffee table and I am loving browsing through it's beautiful photos...


verity said...

I've just read Jane Austen in Baghdad - it was absolutely fascinating, and also quite humbling. I learnt a lot from reading it.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

wow, what a great set, all 3 are books that I am interested in. I didn't know that rebecca james was talking at the writers fetival but I will definitely try and see her.

Claire (The Captive Reader) said...

The Paris book looks beautiful! I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on Jane Austen in Baghdad!

Nadia said...

The Jane Austen in Baghdad book sounds so interesting! I'll have to add it to my TBR list. And I love that book of Paris - it looks lovely! The title alone makes me wish I were in Paris :)

Hannah Stoneham said...

I like the idea of the Jane Austen/Baghdad book and look forward to reading what you think. The Rebecca James book I have not heard of - but your comment made me smile as I have an elderly aunt called Rebecca James!
Enjoy your reading

Karen said...

Hi Verity - That's great to hear - I'm really looking forward to reading it now.

Hi Becky - I think she is presenting at a couple of different events.

Hi Claire - It is absolutely gorgeous!

Hi Nadia - I know what you mean! It is a beautiful book but it doesn't quite beat the original!

Hi Hannah - that is so funny - maybe she has become an author??!!

JaneGS said...

Living Oprah and Talking Austen both sound interesting and a bit voyeuristic. LO in particular would make a great airplane book, I think.

Karen said...

Hi Jane - I think you are right about the Oprah book - I might have to try and save it for our upcoming trip.

anothercookiecrumbles said...

The "Jane Austen In Baghdad" title reminds me of "Reading Lolita in Tehran" - not that I've read that one, but I was quite struck by the similarity.

Curious about it now, and will look forward to your thoughts on it.

Karen said...

Hi anothercookiecrumbles - I thought exactly the same thing when I saw this latest title. I have read Lolita in Tehran and absolutely loved it so I hope this new one will be just as good.