The resort is an ultra modern construction set on Chaweng Beach in Koh Samui which plays homage to all things about the printed page. There is an actual library within the resort where guests can check out books to take with them as they laze by the pool or beach and the rooms are called "Pages" instead of rooms! I was just in love with the whole concept.

We weren't actually allowed to take photos while inside the resort but we did have dinner at the resort restaurant, The Page on our last night in Thailand and it was the most beautiful dinner experience of our whole trip - both for the food and the atmosphere the restaurant creates with its gorgeous location right on the beach.
I wish our town had its own version of The Library!

That looks like a really fun place!
Ooh, I can guess where you're staying next time you go! What a find. I love the sculptures.
What a brilliant concept!
Looks like a reader's paradise!
Oh wow absolutely something to share on your blog.
What an awesome idea!! I would really love to go there!
That's definitely a really cool concept! When I go to Thailand, we may have to stay there!
What a cool concept for a resort! I would love to be able to stay at The Library - it sounds awesome!
So jealous! Looks amazing.
How perfect!
Wow. My kind of resort. Holy cow. Wish you could have taken pictures.
looks like fun...but why aren't photos allowed? don't they want 'word' to spread about their resort? strange...
--nat @book, line, and sinker
Wow, that's incredibly cool. I've got to go there!
What a wonderful place for a vacation!
Hi Marg - A very fun concept!
Hi T - We are thinking about staying there although even though it is a wonderful concept I think it might be a bit too modern and stark for true relaxing.
Hi Verity - I know! I so wish I had thought of it!
Hi JoAnn - Definitely!
Hi Joan - I thought so!
Hi Elise - I think it would be a great experience to stay there, even for a couple of days.
Hi Steph - you have to!! And report back ot us on what it is like.
Hi Nadia - I think there are a few of us who want to to stay there!
Hi Frances - the whole island was just gorgeous - a wonderful holiday.
Hi softdrink - I know!
Hi Holly - I was very tempted to try and get around the ban! You can see some lovely photos of the resort if you check out their website.
Hi Natalie - I'm not really sure, I think it might be something about not wanting people to "steal" their ideas - but when I saw there were photos on their website I didn't really understand at all.
Hi anothercookiecrumbles - I think we all should go there!
Hi Iliana - it certainly is a place set up for relaxing and enjoying yourself.
Brilliant concept! I'd never leave...
How cool!
Hi ds - I think I would be afraid of that too!
Hi heidenkind - very cool!
Amazing! And I love that statue.
Hi StuckInABook - they were great statues - and very appropriate!
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