I certainly don't need an excuse to purchase new books but our Paris In July experience has led me to find some new items for the bookshelf with a French flavour...
A Studio In Montparnasse by Penelope Little wasn't a book I was looking out for (or even one I had heard of) but when I was in Borders yesterday I saw it on their bargain table for only $5!!! It is such a gorgeous hardcover book that I probably would have bought it even if we hadn't been in the midst of Paris In July. The book is the story of the life of Australian artist Bessie Davidson (1879-1965) who moved to Paris in 1910 to live and work.
Thérése Raquin by Émile Zola is a book I have heard a lot of people mention over the past couple of weeks and another one I spotted in on my recent Borders trip.
Mrs Harris Goes To Paris by Paul Gallico is a book I ordered from The Book Depository when I knew Paris In July was happening - too hard to resist all that beautiful pink!
Mrs Harris goes to Paris is HILARIOUS and wonderful and absolutely fantastic! I loved it, and so good that it fits in with your theme
I have not heard of A Studio in Montparnasse, but for $5.00 I would have grabbed it as well. In the meantime I am crossing my fingers that the library has it available. It is perfect for my personal themed reading this summer!
OOh I'm reading Mrs Harris goes to Paris at the moment and loving it.
I am really looking forward to your review of Mrs Harris goes to Paris - I have it on my TBR at the moment. It looks like it will be such a delightful read! And I love the color of the cover - how fun!
I hope you enjoy Therese Raquin. It was my introduction to Zola and a favorite last year. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is going on my wish list!
I'm with the other girls - Mrs Harris goes to Paris will be on my wish list - wish you'd lend it to me when you're done! Looks like you're celebrating Paris in July in style - buying books.
Hi Verity - Sounds like the perfect read for our yucky winter weather at the moment!
Hi Molly - It was definitely a bargain!
Hi Joan - I can't wait to get into this one and to hear what you think of it when you finish!
Hi Nadia - I will have to stop myself from constantly looking at the cover when I am reading it I think!
Hi JoAnn - I must admit that I have not thought of reading it before now but it does look interesting.
Hi T - you know it doesn't take much for me to be persuaded to buy books!! Mrs Harris will be in your hands as soon as I finish it!
These all look wonderful - great suggestions! (And I love those random sale-table finds!)
Hi Audrey - I know - they are the gem of any book lover!
I'm reading Therese Raquin at the moment.. and loving it. :)
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