Today is my 35th Birthday. This is a milestone for me because I spent the majority of my 20's dreading turning 30 and becoming "old"! I therefore spent a lot of time bemoaning the fact that I was getting older in age and not actually noticing what I was gaining with those years - wisdom, beautiful memories and experiences and most of all, a growing acceptance of who I am and what I want from my life. Looking back I can see that turning 30 was one of the greatest moments of my life and my thirties as a whole have been fantastic! I am especially looking forward to being 35 for a year - I think it sounds like a great number.
I also love Birthdays - mine and other peoples - and I was duly spoilt today with beautiful presents, cards and calls from my partner and friends. My wonderful partner gave me some of my favourite Harrods Tea (yes, he discovered a place to buy it in Australia!), a beautiful Royal Albert tea cup, saucer and plate and a gift voucher for a local spa - all very loved and appreciated.

One of my friends also made a surprise visit to deliver a gorgeous bunch of flowers - how beautiful are these?
I also picked up some wonderful new books but more about those tomorrow...
Happy birthday! I hope that you have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday, Karen! Sounds like a lovely day!
Happy birthday... from someone who turned 40 this year and didn't mind achieving the milestone at all.
Hope you have a wonderful day -- and year!
Happy birthday... from someone who turned 40 this year and didn't mind achieving the milestone at all.
Hope you have a wonderful day -- and year!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day, Karen.
Happy 35th! Having just turned 50 earlier this week, I can honestly say that my 30s was a great, exciting time in life.
Happy birthday! Look forward to hearing about the books
Happy Birthday! 35 sounds like a great number - enjoy it!
Happy Birthday, congratulations!
Happy Birthday! It sounds like it's going to be a lovely one!
Wishing you a very very very Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Karen! Looking forward to your bookish presents..
Happy birthday!
I haven't enjoyed my twenties very much (grad school, assorted BS) and I am looking forward to being in my thirties, especially if it's as fun as you say!
Happy Birthday, Karen.
I love your teacup and those flowers are just beautiful!
Have a wonderful day and Many Happy Returns!!
Happy Birthday Karen!
Hi Jackie - thank you - I had a lovely day!
Hi JoAnn - Thank you so much - it definitely was.
Hi kimbofo - good to hear that the 40's are just as great!
Hi Claire - thank you so much!
Hi Molly - I am certainly loving my 30's and all they are bringing me!
Hi verity - thank you very much - book news coming soon...
Hi Nadia - many thanks!
Hi Jodie - thank you!
Hi Steph - thank you, I think a great Birthday sets up the year to come perfectly.
Hi savidgereads - thank you very, very, very much!
Hi Claire - Thank you - I'm looking forward to sharing them!
Hi Connie - the 20's can be a stressful time - but I think whatever age a person is right now is the time to enjoy life as much as you can! The 30's are great though!
Hi Kim - thank you so much - I certainly was spoilt.
Hi adevotedreader - thank you very much!
Happy belated birthday!
Karen, hi again. I just realized, we are exactly the same age, just a day apart. I didn't say anything yesterday as I thought I was 35 going on 36. And then I counted the years, and realised I was actually only 34 going on 35 (today). Lol. How stupid is that, I forgot how old I was.
Hi Softdrink - thank you so much!
Hi Claire - that is so cool! Don't worry - I often have to count the years to make sure I have the right age for myself! Happy Birthday to you too!!
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