Tonight my partner and I went to see the new
Sherlock Holmes movie. It certainly was an action packed adventure!
I thought Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law played wonderful parts but my favourite actor had to be Rachel McAdams - she was just great as Holmes' "muse". It would have been great to see more of her - but I guess this would not have supported the Holmes/Watson storyline.

Having never read any of the Sherlock Holmes book I had no literary reference to compare the movie too - so while I enjoyed the movie as a stand alone action adventure through the streets of London I'm not sure that I have been shown the "true" Sherlock Holmes?? The action itself was fast paced but I felt the plot was a little lacking in substance - I did find myself feeling a little bored when the upteenth action scene came on screen. Is this how it is in the books?
I would really love to move onto the literary Holmes from here - can anyone offer any suggestions on good places to start?
Start at the very beginning (it's a very good place to start) if you'd like to read the original material! I started reading my way through the Holmes series this year and began with A Study in Scarlet, which was really good fun (I reviewed it my blog, along with the next novella, The Sign of Four). Most of Sherlock's adventures are short stories, but this one is actually a novella and is a delight to read... and it is not page upon page of action sequences! From what I've heard of this new movie, it's an entirely different beast that bears little resemblance to the books themselves. I'm sure we'll see it, but I'm betting I'll still prefer the books!
Hi Steph - thanks for your excellent advice! I will start seeking out Holmes books...
I really want to see the movie as it looks like just pure fun but have wondered about how similar it is to the books. I'm imagining not very true.
As much as I love mysteries I can't believe I've never read any Holmes! I should try to "fix" that this coming year :)
I just don't think I will be able to see the movie because Downey is so far away from my idea of Holmes. The books are awesome! I have only read The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Adventures of SH and His Last Bow...all were so good and I can't wait to read more Doyle in 2010. Definitely give the books a try. (I have not been reading the books in order but wish I had started at the beginning.)
Hi Iliana - I'm planning to fix that particular reading lapse in the coming year too.
Hi BookPsmith - thanks so much for your comment - I am going to try and start the books from the beginning and see how I go!
My 20 year-old daughter and I loved Sherlock Holmes, my husband thought it was okay. He was expecting something more traditional but we ladies loved the modern touch to the effects. The Victorian London eye candy was fun to watch too! My experience with Sherlock Holmes stories goes back quite a bit but the movie inspired me to pick up one or two more in the near future.
I saw the movie last night and thought it was so much fun. The best place to start is, indeed, the beginning with A Study in Scarlet.
Hi Darlene - I think whether a person likes this movie or not is definitely going to be affected by their expectations and their past experiences with Holmes. I'm glad I have seen it - it has opened up a whole new reading world for me now!
Hi Claire - I have started with that book now and I'm really enjoying it - can only picture Downey Jnr and Law though!!
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