The Hours - Michael Cunningham - this is a book I had never really thought of reading before but thanks to the Woolf In Winter Read Along I am now into all things Woolf. A great review over at Another Cookie Crumbles has also tweaked my interest in this one.

What has happened to Ingrid?
Beautiful Ingrid inherits a fortune and leaves Australia, and her friends, and Ralph who loves her, to marry Gil Grey and set up home amid the New York art world. There she becomes the stepmother to Gil′s teenage artist daughter Fleur, a former child prodigy, and studies ancient curse scrolls at Columbia University.
But at 9am on September 11, 2001, she has an appointment downtown. And is never seen again.
Or is she?
Searching for clues about Ingrid′s life a year later, her friend Julia uncovers only further layers of mystery and deception.
Both an unputdownable mystery and a compelling meditation on the nature of art, truth, friendship and love, THE LEGACY announces the arrival of a major new talent.
Beautiful Ingrid inherits a fortune and leaves Australia, and her friends, and Ralph who loves her, to marry Gil Grey and set up home amid the New York art world. There she becomes the stepmother to Gil′s teenage artist daughter Fleur, a former child prodigy, and studies ancient curse scrolls at Columbia University.
But at 9am on September 11, 2001, she has an appointment downtown. And is never seen again.
Or is she?
Searching for clues about Ingrid′s life a year later, her friend Julia uncovers only further layers of mystery and deception.
Both an unputdownable mystery and a compelling meditation on the nature of art, truth, friendship and love, THE LEGACY announces the arrival of a major new talent.
After reading Mrs. Dalloway, I decided it was the perfect time to reread The Hours. Cunningham's genius is even more apparent this time through!
You've reminded me that I really want to see the film of The hours. I enjoyed Playing with the grownups - I hope Sophie Dahl writes another.
The Hours is an AMAZING book and I really enjoyed Playing With the Grown-Ups too (the mother-daughter relationship really stayed with me). The Legacy sounds intriguing - I look forward to reading your thoughts! I want to know what happened to Ingrid... it sounds noir-like mixed with Donna Tartt.
The Hours is such a great book - I'm sure you will enjoy it. The Sophie Dahl book sounds good - I'll have to check it out. And as for The Legacy - wow! that book sounds so interesting ( I can't wait to read your upcoming review of it). Cheers!!
I hope you enjoy the Sophie Dahl, Karen. :)
The Legacy looks really good...but it's not available here yet! Wah!
I've been intrigued by the Sophie Dahl for a while, and have had it in my hands in the library a few times but always put it down in favour of something else.Not sure why, and Legacy does look interesting.
The Sophie Dahl looks great - I'll be interested to hear what you think of it, having seen so many positive reviews already.
Hi JoAnn - I am so enthusiastic about Woolf and Woolf related reading at the moment - I can't believe it has taken me this long to discover her!
Hi Verity - I'm planning to see the film after reading the book - although I am not a big Nicole Kidman fan at all so I'm not sure how I will go watching her in the role.
Hi Claire - I can see you love this book a lot which makes me even more eager to read it!
Hi Nadia - I'm keen to get into The Legacy - just not sure where it is fitting into my reading pile at the moment!
Hi Claire - I'm sure that I will!
Hi Softdrink - how frustrating!! Maybe we got the scoop on this one because the author is Australian??
Hi Jo - I'll be sure to let you know what I think to see if that sways you one way or another.
Hi captivereader - I know - I have struggled to find someone who hasn't enjoyed this one.
I've been meaning to read The Hours ever since I watched the film, which I thought was fantastically done. I found the acting quite powerful and, overall, it was emotionally draining in a good sort of way. I love films centred around female characters :) And books of course, haha.
oooh playing with the grownups! it looks so dainty - I can't wait to hear what you think of it!
I snapped up the The Legacy just yesterday as well. I had read a number of interviews with her in the weekend newspapers and the premise of the novel sounds intriguing!
Oh, I spot a copy of The Hours there. Hope you enjoy it :)
Can't wait to see what you think.
I do like the sound of the legacy. I do hope we get a UK publication - many great Australian books never see the light of day here. The other two I know to be great, so I hope you have plently of time to enjoy your haul.
Hi stockdove - I'm exactly the same - love books and movies that centre on women.
Hi Aimee - it looks very sweet doesn't it?? I must admit that the look of the book has drawn me to it as much as the content!
Hi Samantha - I read some of those interviews too - her PR team are certainly doing a good job!
Hi anothercookiecrumbles - I can't wait to get to it!
Hi fleurfisher - I hope you are able to find a copy too. You would think in this global age that books would move more freely between countries??
I just read a review about The Legacy and it sounds terrific, even though it wasn't the most favourable review.
And The Hours is a fantastic and unique read.
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