I am still going with Twilight and although I am enjoying it to a degree I keep wanting to yell "get on with it!" to the author. The very tedious descriptive passages of looks and feelings are starting to get to me a bit. And yet, I'm still reading it so there must be something there. My motto is "Life's too short to read crappy books" and by crappy I mean books that I am just not enjoying or interested in - not just those that I feel are badly written. I'm not sure how other people operate but I have no problems with just putting a book aside if I am not enjoying it, never to return to it. My father can't stand this trait in me - he will read a book to the end once he has started it no matter what.
In light of an earlier post about my reading/book collection/to be read pile and list getting a little out of control I am thinking about (and it is just a thought at the moment!) not purchasing or borrowing another book to add to the pile until I have gone through all the current options. This is something I have thought about before but I have never actually followed through - will I this time?
I'm making a trip to Sydney tomorrow and will no doubt be "forced" to browse through one of my favourite bookshops there - so not sure if I will enact the promise just yet...
Meyer's books are slow starters (especially the first two). By the time you're halfway though, you get hooked. They're not well-written. They're full of cheesy cliches. And the whole way through them (at least the first two in my opinion), you're thinking, "This is stupid. Why am I still reading it?" But, you are...
Holly - I know! That's exactly how I was thinking about Twilight. I'm relieved to hear that others think the same way as me. I have heard her compared to JK Rowling and I have to say that JK Rowling is by far the better writer in my opinion.
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