I had my very first opera experience this weekend. Opera is always something I have wanted to experience (it is something on my "To do List Before I'm 40") and when I saw that Oz Opera (the touring arm of Opera Australia) were bringing a performance of Madame Butterfly to my home town I thought it was the perfect opportunity.
I am familiar with the traditional Madame Butterfly story but I understand that the story has been tweaked a little in this performance to place the story in post WW2 Japan - and the story was told in English as opposed to Italian. I was actually a little disappointed about this - I think I would have preferred the Italian with English sub titles because as it was I was often straining to understand what the performers were saying/singing. Having said that, the music and voices (particularly the woman playing Butterfly) were divine and it was an experience I enjoyed for that reason alone.
I might give this opera thing another go I think!
Karen, Welcome to the world of Opera. While I couldn't see MB this weekend, I went to see The Australian Opera Company present My Fair Lady in Brisbane. Truly talented, and gifted entertainers. While the storyline left a bit to be desired for those feminists among us, I still had a great night out. So much quicker that reading a book too!
My Fair Lady would have been fantastic! I will have to put that one on my "to see" list.
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