In spite of a threat I made to myself a month or so ago I just can't keep away from new books! Buying or borrowing - I just can't stop and I clearly have a problem - could be worse I suppose. In my defence I haven't actually bought or borrowed these latest desires - I have just been coveting them as I read various blogs and reviews.
The first is the novel The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent which I first read about over at Caribousmom. The novel is an account of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 - a time in history that I am very interested in - and the novel looks stunning.
The other book is a non-fiction book about journalling called Note to Self: On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits By Samara O'Shea which I saw over at BookGirl's Nightstand. I used to be a big journaller in my younger days but I have let the practice fall by the wayside a little. It is something I would like to get back into and this book looks like a great inspiration.
Glad to enable you at any time, Karen :) Thanks for the link to my review!
I go through waves with my journaling too although in the past few years I've been pretty good about it. I hope you'll like the book. I like that her tone is very chatty. And, isn't that book cover great?
Karen, journalling is useful at different times for different purposes.. the one thing I've learnt over the years is to not 'beat oneself up' cos we haven't journalled - that's just not helpful. I think we've shared this book in the past, The New Diary, Tristine Rainer. I hope 'Note to Self' shines new and inspirational light on the personal experience of journalling for you.
Hi Wendy - thank you for your great review and for the new book inspiration!
Hi Iliana - it is a gorgeous book cover - that alone is worth the purchase I think.
Hi Tamara - I completely sgree about the not beating oneself rule!
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