From the moment I started Novel About My Wife I did not want to put it down. Unfortunately work and life in general intervened but I did manage to finish the book this afternoon.
The book was quite heavy in many ways, you learn very early on in the story that the wife of the title, Ann, has died. The book explores (among many other things) the how and why of this death. I think I have it worked out now but the ending leaves a few possible ideas up for debate. This is a book I will have to pass on to my best friend - we always come to different, but equally plausible, endings for books that can be a bit up in the air.
The husband, and narrator of the story, is Tom Stone "skinnyish, fortyish, English and madly in love with his wife Ann". I really didn't like Tom until right at the end of the story - this inability to like a main character in a book usually impacts on my enjoyment of the story but not in this case.
I loved the writing - tense, harsh, strong and extremely real and vibrant. At times I think I was reading for the love of the writing as opposed to the story - something I never do!
The book could be seen as a bit of mystery - especially in relation to Ann. We never really find out all that much about her - it all comes from Tom's interpretation of her and their relationship but she is a fascinating character because of this.
I really can't/don't want to say much more for fear of either giving things away or ruining your own interpretation of the story but I would say read it - a compelling story from beginning to end.
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